March Recap-Grace and Gratitude
We really have some of the most amazing sunrises on our farm. Some day we will get our upstairs finished and I will be able to sit on our balcony with coffee and just enjoy!(taken Tues. March 27).
As I sit here and type, it is crazy for me to think that March is basically over. I can't say that I am sad to see it go. Even though it is my birthday month it is probably my least favorite month out of the year. Winter usually wants to hang on, sometimes with too tight of a grasp, and after January and February I am just ready for some sunshine and chirping birds.
This month brought in a whirlwind of activity; finalizing our beds, starting seeds, ordering more seeds, dividing dahlias, last minute trips to Lowes and supply stores and just like that the tulips are popping through and we are ready to jump off of that cliff into another season of growing and lots of learning. I am part of the way through a business book called Business Boutique by Christy Wright and am really liking her thought process on business start ups. Clint has been working diligently on turning our old smokehouse into a cooler, we're feeling a bit of a time crunch with the tulips coming a just a few short weeks.
I received an email from a friend about a year and a half ago but it is one that I've kept and read from time to time. It talks about 5 wise words of advice for every entrepreneur: Grace, Boundaries, Strategy, Persistence and Gratitude. This week was all about Grace for me. I had not been feeling well for almost two weeks but just kept telling myself I was fine and it had just been a busy few weeks, finally on Tuesday after admitting that I was starting to feel worse and after twelve days I should be feeling better I went to urgent care and walked out with a strep throat diagnosis. I think hearing that I was actually sick and it wasn't all in my head let my body actually relax. I took Wednesday and did almost nothing. I slept in, watched two movies and took a nap. I am normally up around 4:30 so sleeping until my son woke at 6 was heaven and then napping again at 10 am told me my body needed a break. I had a list of things that need to be done, more flowers to start, vessels to research for a client, a messy desk to organize, receipts to update, flowers to fertilize, etc. But I decided a little grace was in order, I will be a behind heading into the weekend but I just didn't care and it will all get finished eventually.
These five little words are not necessary for me in my side hustle but I think they are relevant for all of us in our daily lives. We need to give ourselves grace in our homes, in our marriages, just about every aspect really. Boundaries have to be set because the outside world can very easily creep in and steal time from our families. It takes strategy to run a home right? Whether you work full time, are a stay at home mom or are retired, the long list of to do's is never ending and let's just throw persistence along in with that. Too get the rainbow you have to put up with the rain and every mountaintop has a valley to go through first. Finally I think gratitude keeps us level headed and our eyes off of ourselves and on the higher purpose or calling.
Heading into this Easter weekend Gratitude with be encircling my thoughts. Gratitude for my husband who is my best friend and best helper. Gratitude that I get the gift and privilege to raise a little boy who just totally completes us, gratitude that we live in America where we get to chase our dreams and have a voice and finally gratitude for a Father who sent his only son for me (and each of you).
Happy Easter to each and every one of you