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Coffee, Quilts, a Rocking Chair & Rain

As you read this close your eyes for a moment and pretend you are sitting outside in the dark with a quilt wrapped around you. The rain is steady and soothing as it hits our tin roof. This is utterly the best feeling to wake up to on a Sunday morning.

Yesterday was a two wedding Saturday and my body certainly feels like it serviced two weddings. As I am sitting here it just dawned on me that it is September 11th. I think back to 21 years ago and the incredible loss so many families experienced. I think back to where I was. I still had my dad 21 years ago, who knew less than three short years later he would be gone as well. I sit here this morning reflecting on how much we have changed. Not just as a country that has become so divided but as a nation in so many areas. Two that pop into my mind are our technological and agricultural advances. I think about all of those who left us that day and if they came back today they would be blown away at these advances. The next thought in my head was how much is the same. A smile, a gift of flowers, listening to a steady rain, coffee, a homemade quilt from your mom. Things that you can't put a price tag on. A smile can't anger someone, saying I'm here and thinking of you with a gift of flowers, enjoying coffee and listening to the rain; there is no division in these things and when we get right down to it we really aren't so different after all.

I wanted to share these thoughts but also share how important it is to reflect and look back. Look back at how far you have come. I shared a little in yesterday's post. When I started this business five years ago the thought of doing one wedding with ample help seemed impossible to me and now I pulled off two on the same day. The first year I started I drug all of the flowers into the house to design and process, we carried buckets and arrangements into the basement to keep things cool, if I had a $10 sale I thought I was on top of the world. Now I have my own work area, we have a cooler, each year we expand our growing area. It can be really easy to get caught up in the living and not actually live. I encourage you to take a moment, especially on this day that deserves so much respect and reflection. Just take a moment and enjoy the space that you are in, live where you are. It's okay to have goals, we need to have goals but don't forget what is right in front of you!

Thanks for reading along with my Sunday snippet!


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