Off to Kindergarten & Farm News

In other news around the farm we had our first calf of the year born. After 22 straight bull calves born, our last two births have been heifer calves. I suggested we name her April since she was born in the month of April but Koy promptly decided we should name her Faye after my gram who we lost last week. So welcome to the farm little Faye!

The animals are all shedding like crazy. Winnie is not a happy camper since she threw a shoe and is stall bound until the farrier comes on Wednesday. The pigs are fat, happy and growing faster than the flowers and Greg the calf had a trip on Saturday morning to get tagged and weighed for the fair in August. 4-H taught me a lot of self discipline and hard work and I am excited for Koy to experience that as well. He was a big help to me this weekend cleaning up the yard, spraying fertilizer and taking down our low tunnels from the winter. Mom pays him $5 an hour which is pretty good for an 8 year old. He's super willing to work especially when he wants a new lego set and I refuse to buy him anymore because he has way way way to many!

Finally, any of you who know our family and our dog, it is not a surprise to report that Hondo ran off again today but is safe and sound asleep on his dog bed in our bedroom. 10 year old dogs are not supposed to have the energy he does and Clint is sure the adoption center lied about his age, regardless...for better or worse he is ours!

Have a wonderful week!